Qweens’ Speech
Welcome to one our favourite passion projects – Qweens’ Speech. An alternative queen’s speech for LGBTQIA+ rights. We made this entirely in our own time, procured £25,000 in funding from Acne, convinced Dazed to be our media partners, and corralled the likes of Sam Smith and Munroe Bergdorf with the power of a script.
Directed by the glorious Zhang and Knight.
Vimeo Staff Pick
Silver Creative Circle
Long live our Qweens.
Photography by Chloe Sheppard

We won a Vimeo Staff Pick and were featured nationally and internationally (hey Russia! Thx for writing up our big gay project).

We were overwhelmed with the response, including beautiful fan art from Mark Glasgow (follow him @mrkglasglow).

Qween’s Speech
Year One
This was the original film that we made one year earlier, with much less money, time and team.
Shot in the downstairs studio at Mother, this film went from concept to completion in one week, in time for a Christmas Day launch to PR from six different news outlets.
Was it a stressful Christmas? Yes. Would we do it again? Yes. In fact, we did.
Long live our Qweens.